Click: new (controllable) window

hey girls and boys - i have a quick question for you. ACTUALLY i just thought of another one so now i have two. sorry. hope you don’t mind. i get sidetracked rather easily.

before i start, a quick nota bene. i’m a complete newcomer to flash so my questions are very simpleminded. not much of a challenge i’m afraid.

  1. can i put a link in my movie that will close the window?

  2. can i put a link in my movie that will open a new window of a specific size, and without the menu-buttons of explorer?

any help: much appreciated.
cheers, anrick…

to close the window use this script

instanceName.onRelease = function () {
	getURL ("java****script:close()")

replace instanceName with the actual name of your movie clip or button

and there’s a tutorial about popup windows here

[size=1][ EDIT ]
hmmm … and remove the space between java and script[/size]

note the space in java**script is added by the forum to prevent malicious code, its not included in the actual script.

You may also see the close() written as self.close(); or window.close(); - its all the same thing. Be aware that a window not specifically opened by the browser itself will get a warning message on an attempt to close the window on windows machines.

[edit] just saw your edit :wink:

instanceName.onRelease = function () {
	getURL ("java**script:close()")

quote this and see how its written :slight_smile:

thanks a lot peoples!! you’re lovely.

its all kax on this one :wink:

no problem hmmaah =)

and no sen … you posted those statements about the self.close() and window.close() that i didn’t … besides the warning. i knew that but i didn’t posted it so … :sigh:

and by the way … thanks for the tip of the quoting :slight_smile:

yeah but thats just little cr*p I sometimes post after other answers which dont count… and sometimes they makes it seem like Im trying to belittle whoever it is that just posted (you) though I wasnt.

belittle ?? lol :stuck_out_tongue:

nope … it’s great to have someone like you here :wink:

You stopped stalking me Sen :frowning:

I enjoyed your belittlement :)!!!

:belittles lostinbeta:


