Clicking on a sprite with a textfield child

Hello kirupers!!! :slight_smile:

I’ve been out of as3 for a few weeks but when I start coding again, I start coming back again to the forum :smiley:

I have a movieclip in the library (menu_button) which only consists of a textfield. This is an item of a dynamic menu I build by adding new instances of the menu_button class.

It seems that when I click in the movieclip, it’s the textfield that fires the mouse event, instead of the movieclip which contains the textfield.

Whe I do trace( I get “dynamic” (for dynamic textfield I supose…)

Another problem I have is that when I do menu_button.buttonMode= true I don’t get that gloved hand we all love…

this should be simple… Am I missing something important?

