I’ve searched and tried a bunch of different ways to make these clickTags work and keep having the same problem…
When the link is clicked, it pops up a new window with the path of the fla file in the address bar and an UNDEFINED at the end…
on (release) {
getURL(_root.clickTag, "_blank");
With this AS on the button the link does not pop up at all
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {
I’ve used clickTag, clickTAG, ClickTag, and ClickTAG all with the same results… not that it should matter as long as the flash and html match.
I’ve tried to add the clickTag in the html like this
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="160" height="600" id="Clothesline_160x600_clickTag" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="Clothesline_160x600_clickTag.swf" />
<param name="flashvars" value="clickTag=http://www.link.com">
<param name="flashvars" value="clickTag2=https://www.link.com.html">
And aslo
<EMBED src="ad_banner_example.swf?clickTag= http://link.com&clickTag2=http://link.com">
And none of that is working so maybe SWFobject would work???
I am getting really aggravated and need to have 12 ads done today but can’t get something as simple as a freaking link to work now. Please help