Hey all,
I have a clock that shows time according to local pc time but i want it to show according to the server. I have referred to all the Forum threads for the same but couldn’t get it done. Is there any server side script to be written…if yes i can’t cause i don’t know any sever side scripts.I M a Designer and not a Programmer yet i can do action scripting a bit…if anyone can help please thanks in advance
whenever i change the time on my pc the time displayed gets changed.
Here’s the code:
MyDate = new Date();
hours = MyDate.getHours();
minutes = MyDate.getMinutes();
seconds = MyDate.getSeconds();
hourAdjust = 0;
hours = hours+hourAdjust;
if (hours>24) {
hours = 0+(hours-24);
} else if (hours<0) {
hours = 24+hours;
tellTarget (“hours”) {
_rotation = ((…/:hours30)+(…/:minutes.5));
tellTarget (“minutes”) {
_rotation = ((…/:minutes6)+(…/:seconds.1));
tellTarget (“seconds”) {
_rotation = (…/:seconds*6);
Also can we pass an external value for .getHours(); syntax from an html?
Please help it urgent…