Is it possible to make flash mx to take the time on the system and make it run a determined frame.
I want to make a clock that shows the real time. How can I do it?
Is it possible to make flash mx to take the time on the system and make it run a determined frame.
I want to make a clock that shows the real time. How can I do it?
You can find a tute for telling and displaying the time in MX here
From that yopu should be able to work out the answer to the rest of your Q.
wrong forum - this needs to be in a flash topic, not SOTW.
Yeah, I agree, I only noticed the forum after answering the Q, went staright to “view new threads” and didn’t check, what happens, do the moderators move it ?
as soon as they notice it, they will move it to the appropriate topic.
there is a tutorial on Kirupa.com written by… uhmmm… oh, me.
and here is another one, but its an analog clock:
oooooooppps !! Sorry Jubba, I hadn’t looked at the tutes here, I just knew that one existed from some time ago - no offense meant.
Next time I recommend tutes I will check this site first. I have done a couple of tutes here and find them amazingly easy to follow.
oh, its ok. I was just being stupid and trying to give people options. its hard to offend me… try it! TRY IT!! I DARE YA!
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