Close browser sans confirmation

When I use the code below:

on (release){
getURL(“java script:close();”);

I get a “This Page you are viewing is trying to close. Do you want to allow it to close?” with a Yes and No buttons.

Is there another way to do it without the confirmation?

If you want to see it, click on the “Exit” on the following link:


try this:

java script:self.close()

without the space between java & script

Its a security measure and there was a way around it before IE Service Pack 6.1 that might work, it can be seen in action here: just click on gallery and click one of the limages…

The warning will not happen if the window is a pop up or is launched from the main window via _blank target in the A HREF tag in HTML (or launched _blank from flash as well).

As Jubba said, when closing the main browser window through a link, that message will appear. Microsoft calls this a “Security Issue” (bull), and they removed the workaround solution in their recent browsers.

I tried adding the “_blank” in the Window. Gives me an error with the


in the address line. Any ideas?

Well because it looks to me you are calling a javascript pop up window. If that is the case, there is no need for _blank as it will open a new window anyway.

And notice, if you click on your link about and then click the exit in there, there is no message. But if you open a new browser window and go to that link, you get the message.

This is because this forum opens it up in a new window and therefore it works fine.

There is no way around this unless you open the window in a new window or pop up.