Close browser window?

The site Iam busy with uses javascript to maximise the whole Flash movie from the beginning HTML page.In the Flash movie there is an exit button.How do I get the maximised browser window to close when clicking on the exit button?

on (release) { fscommand(“quit”); }

I think this is waht you are looking for.
fscommand(“fullscreen”, “true”);
will make your site full screen without have to java script it:)

on (release){

Also, if you have a full screen version, I highly recommend having a non-full screen version as well, a majority of web site viewers hate full screens because they can’t switch between windows unless they use Alt-Tab (in windows), but a lot of people don’t know about this feature.

Sintax: fscommands are for the standalone player only, not browser windows.

Duh what I’m i smoking today. I guess this cold is worse then I thought:sleep:

It’s ok, when I was sick I was posting some wacky answers too, people were replying like “what are you talking about dude, _xscale has nothing to do with changing the RGB value”…LOL.

Get well soon!!! =)

WHat do u mean _xscale has nothing to do with RGB… oh my head tiem for a sleep:sleep:
