I am loading an array from a text file to create a set of thumbnail images a la scotty’s excellent post on the topic, using this code:
function select(q) {
thumb_array = new Array();
loadArray = new LoadVars();
loadArray.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
ab = this[“array_”+q];
thumb_array = ab.split(",");
_root.image_array = thumb_array;
with the following in the .txt file
As far as I understand the top function makes array_1 and array_2 selectable, and they are then referenced by this button action
contents.onRelease = function() {
What I need help with is trying to have the same functionality but using XML, I understand how to load arrays from an xml file, but can’t get it to tie in with everything else even after many long attempts.
I also don’t understand what is going on later in the code with ab, can anyone explain it?
(attached as zipped text file - post.zip)
any help or explanations truly appreciated.