Code help

Please look at the following code:

// this tells the flash their are 6 pieces and to randomize them around using
// the math random function, it also scales them down smaller than their originals

success = 0;
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
	this["p"+i]._y = Math.random()*150;
	this["p"+i]._x = Math.random()*150;
	this["p"+i]._xscale = 50;
	this["p"+i]._yscale = 50;

// allows the piece to moved about using hittest and startdrag functions
on(press) {
// after the user has stopped dragging
on(release) {
	name = this._name;
	int_name = name.substring(1);
	int_name = parseInt(int_name);
// compares the intended position with position of the placeholder
// if correct it will replace it with piece from the preview movieclip
// using attachsound function will play a click to give user feedback
	if(eval(this._droptarget) == _parent["placeholder"+int_name] )
			_parent.preview["p"+ int_name]._visible = true;
			this._visible = false;
			snd = new Sound();
// if all pieces are in their correct positions it will make the puzzle movieclip invisable
// and replace it with the welldone movie clip
			if (_parent.success == _parent.n)
						_root.puzzle._visible = false;
						_root.welldone._visible = true;;
// if the position the user chooses is incorrect, the piece will snap back
// but randoimize its new position using the math.random function
// it will also play the error sound from the library to give the user feedback
			this._y = Math.random()*150;
			this._x = Math.random()*150;
			snd = new Sound();

Im wanting to basically do what you see here but in a different way! Do you have any ideas for ways of doing the above code but using different code if you get me.