Code help appreciated

i got this code:

[AS]effect.onEnterFrame = function() {
(success) ? effect.nextFrame() : effect.prevFrame();
button.onRollOver = function() {
success = true;
button.onRollOut = function() {
success = false;
button.onRelease = function() {
success = false;

on a frame, for use on a button (obviously),
i want to make it so on release i have a gotoandplay function for frame 390, AS WELL as the success false action.

is there any way i can get this action into the above code? I tried several different ways, all come up with Error when its debugged.

Fast replies MUCH appreciated

What is the structure of your movie? which ways have you tried?

does this work?

[AS]effect.onEnterFrame = function() {
(success) ? this.nextFrame() : this.prevFrame();
button.onRollOver = function() {
success = true;
button.onRollOut = function() {
success = false;
button.onRelease = function() {
success = false;

it does, as in it goes to frame 390,

but it doesnt let the success false action happen,

its basically an advanced button rollover. Rollover a button, a “box” slides out with content inside. When you rollout, the box slides away.

When someone releases i want the rollout to happen (box slides away) AND it go to frame 390.

It seems this isnt possible?

You want the movieclip ‘effect’ to go to 390 ? Or which movieclip ?

i want the effect to go success fail, which works on its own perfectly

and i want the movie (main movie) to go to frame 390. I can get these to work individually, but not together.

So essentially, the success fail would happen, then the movie would go to frame 390

Are you sure that movieclip is still on stage at frame 30 of the main timeline ?