Hey guys,
Since all this blog stuff is going around heavily, I thought I’d give it a try to make one. I’m definitely no pro at PHP or CSS or MySQL, lol, but I try.
I could really care less about a blog, but I thought it might prove useful one day…lol.
So in trying to do a blog using PHP/CSS/MySQL, this is what i’ve got.
feel free to submit a blog, to test it out…but if it goes over like 30 or so…that’s where i need to finish up the pagination script… (any help?)
I haven’t really worked on the graphic/design side as much, and right now I am trying to work on a pagination script so i won’t have to put in a link for each of the pages so oyu can see all the entries…(which is what i’ve done for now).
I’ve got about 3 hours in it (not a pro!)…let me know what you think please