Code walk fix

Okay, so i wrote this walking code, but it isn’t working. I would post the fla, but i dont have anywhere to put it, so i will explain what i have the best i can. The problem is that i cant get the walk animation to play when i press the button, i can only get the first frame of each direction
i have a main character movie clip with the instance name ninja. Inside there are four frames labeled t, b, r, l, and in each of these frames there is a stop action. The four mcs of the different walking directions are instance name ninjat, ninjab, ninjar, and ninjal. There are nine frames in each one. The first frame says stop, and the last frame say goto and play 2 (this is in each direction mc). Here is my code for the main ninja mc.

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.downwalk = true;
_root.upwalk = true;
_root.rightwalk = true;
_root.leftwalk = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && _root.rightwalk == true) {
_root.leftwalk == true;
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && _root.leftwalk == true) {
_root.rightwalk == true;;;;;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && _root.upwalk == true) {
_root.upwalk == true;;;;;
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) && _root.downwalk == true) {
_root.downwalk == true;;;;;
onClipEvent (keyUp) {

Can some body help me fix this

u rok all of u esp seticus. Ok maybe just seticus, but i know the rest of you would have helped if he didnt beat you to it

pleasure helping you, sorry if I had beaten somebody (elbudster) to it…

hehe, i couldn’t do anything anyways since i don’t have 2004 :stuck_out_tongue: