Coding Issues

Morning All

I am having some coding issues and I have been trying to sort it out all weekend, however it now appears as though I am going to have to admit defeat and ask for help.

I am trying to do a drag and drop with four movies, when the movie is dragged over the hit area the movie plays.

I have placed the following code to each of the movies.

[COLOR=red]onClipEvent (load) {
startX = this._x;
startY = this._y;
[COLOR=red]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.draggeddraggable3) {
_root.draggable3._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.draggable3._y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hit)) {
_root.draggeddraggable3 = false;
_root.gotoAndPlay ([COLOR=darkorchid]1130[/COLOR]);
_root.draggable3._x = startX;
_root.draggable3._y = startY;
} else {
_root.draggable3._x = startX;
_root.draggable3._y = startY;
_root.draggeddraggable3 = false;

[COLOR=black]The highlighted number obviously changes for each movie.[/COLOR]
My issue is that it only appears to play the final movie of the four when I drag any of the four movies over the hit area.

The code has been taken from the following tutorial and adapted to suit my needs

Any help on this issue would be very much appreciated