Colaborative Project

Hey guys and gals of design forum! Humm seeing as how our little faction now has a decent amount of active members,;how about we try a group colaboration. Before we make one open to all of the comunity i want to see how it would work with just a few members. Ok so here it goes:

3D model/ Possible animation

here is what we need.
[]one or two experienced modelers
]someone good with texure mapping. And maybe another possible texture painter

If you’re interested please reply and let me know what you think you are proficient in.

I can provide the illustrations for the modelers as well as storyboards, texture painting and any video required. Im pretty good at lighting things. Anyone interested!? If this works out ok we could also make other colaborations including: flash intros, cartoons, games, websites. We could conjur up a few of the talented AS guys from the AS forum to join us on some of those projects.

I’m not that advanced in modelling
but I wouldnt mind making the scenes and props! :wink:

i cant really help, but if you wanted to edit a bit of the animation i would do that :wink: i gotta start to get to work on modeling in my free time. i would love to do a flash intro if this works out though!

I am not that advanced either in modelling but I would love to help!!!

D :beam:

welll. me neither but if ya need anything, lemme know!

so are thre any ideas for the short?:cowboy:

i may be useful for the textures part :slight_smile: just IM me at triplecrown2286

I love the idea of artistic collaborations, but I know diddly about 3D modelling I’m afraid. Next time round, fellas. :slight_smile:

I am pretty cool with modelling (okay with materials) however time is an issue with me. I would be glad to help but what are the time frames involved…and what tools are we allowed to use?..blah blah…you can hit me at

Oh yeah I am in calif. USA…is that a prob?

edwin is in cali too…

oh yeah he is…just read under his thingy to the left…Most peeps seem to be in the UK somewhere

yeah i see what you mean. well not all in uk but not in the us or in your timezone…we will work it out

yea im in ohio…good ol cincinnati (woo hoo :-\ )

hey the drew carey show takes place out there right?

tools of the trade:
Tools that are used in this project are not an issue. The person(s) incharge of modeling can use anything they want. If there is more than one person modeling I would suggest using software than can export to the others software.

Im thinking for starters we could just model some mecha robot. If you have any ideas doodle something and post it on here. I have a few ideas and I will post my sketches very soon.

what about time frames? Did you have something more specific in mind and did you have a date when you want to launch whatever your idea is?

when ever we finish we finish. OK so who here thinks they can model?

I can…but time is an issue with me ill try to draw up a mech tonite I have to work on some characters for something else anyway…