Hi all, For quite some time I’m looking for an easy to integrate IP to Country solution for a sign up form. I’m using Coldfusion to connect to the database.
I tried different sollutions but some of then simply don’t work and others throw errors.
For example I tried the geolocator http://www.sustainablegis.com/projects/geoLocator/
but it throws the following error:
java init failed: net.sf.javainetlocator.InetAddressLocator
An exception occurred when instantiating a java object. The cause of this exception was that: .
The error occurred in /home/httpd/vhosts/artsforce.com/httpdocs/geoLocator.cfc: line 95
Called from /home/httpd/vhosts/artsforce.com/httpdocs/geoLocator.cfc: line 82
Called from /home/httpd/vhosts/artsforce.com/httpdocs/index.cfm: line 6
93 : <cfcatch type=“Any”>
94 : <cfset isOk=false> <!— nobody will ever see this —>
95 : <cfthrow message=“java init failed: net.sf.javainetlocator.InetAddressLocator” detail="#cfcatch.detail#" errorcode=“1001”>
96 : </cfcatch>
97 : </cftry>
Does anybody knows what is the source of this error or does anybody knows a simpler solution?
Thank you in advance