Coldfusion/mySql Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

Hi, I’m getting the following error message:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression pr.productID = sp.product INNER JOIN productGroup pg ON pg.productGroupID = sp.productGroup'. 

My SQL code query is:

SELECT sp.subProduct, sp.latinName, sp.comment, sp.description, sp.healingProperties, sp.stones, sp.orderNumber, sp.inhoud, sp.price, pr.productName, pg.productGroupName FROM subProducts sp INNER JOIN products pr ON pr.productID = sp.product 
INNER JOIN productGroup pg ON pg.productGroupID = sp.productGroup

I really don’t see what is wrong with this? The table names are correct, the field names are correct and in my opinion is there also nothing wrong with the query? Or do I miss something? If somebody see what is wrong please let me know

Thank you in advance