Collapsable menu

hey flasher;

I’m newbie in flash, I am trying to do my own site. I would appreciate if somebody could tell me how to do this menu:


if I click MainMenu1 It will look like this:


Same when I click MainMenu2: submenu1 of MainMenu2 will collapse.

I would appreciate receiving some information on any of you guys.



If you’re familiar with components in flash you can do a google search for them or look on this site at the links in the tutorials…a great page is

They have a ton of them and they are free. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen one that you’re talking about. Just down load the MXL and ZIP file and unzip the zip file and upload the MXL file into your extensions manager, as Emerald would say “BAM!” you’re rocking with some really cool looking files. You can also dissect them and learn how their put together which is a lot of fun and can also cause brain tumors…Hurray for brain tumors!

…just kidding.

Emerald? I didn’t know he had been transformed into a gem that knew cooking.

It’s Emeril. That was funny though.

Something like this? Click here!!!

I myself don’t know how to do this, too lazy to look into it. But I think this is what you’re looking for.

Thanks; njdboy, wizard.

opps sorry, thanks also versus MG. I’ll try to disect and hopefully I will have lots of fund but avoid having brain tumors.