Collision Detection with AS3

I have looked around, but can’t find any good examples on collision detection with AS3 :/. So that is why I am here with you smart people. I have a game that was built in AS2 that I now want to convert to AS3, but one major hurdle is the collision detection. This is what I had before:

var flag:Boolean = false;
if(mc.hit.hitTest(rocket_mc.getBounds(_root).xMax, rocket_mc._y, true)) { flag = true; }
if(mc.hit.hitTest(rocket_mc.getBounds(_root).xMin, rocket_mc._y, true)) { flag = true; }
if(mc.hit.hitTest(rocket_mc._x, rocket_mc.getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) { flag = true; }
if(mc.hit.hitTest(rocket_mc._x, rocket_mc.getBounds(_root).yMin, true)) { flag = true; }
if(flag == true and == true) {
} // end if

is there any way to do this in AS3? It seems that they took out the hitTest funtion :frowning: