i read through the tutorials but i cant get this thing to do the collison properly.
basically i have the “spaceship” movie clip controlled by the player and the walls called “enemy” (i have no idea why). anyways i want it so that if the spaceship hits the walls then it jumps back to its start position. If it makes it through the maze then it hits the “end” movie clip then i want it to say well done. How do i do this? I tried changing all the codes but i just got a page of errors.:*(
i started off putting it into the enemy actions(coz the spaceship one is full of how to move it and i have no idea where to stick the hittest code in)
so far i have:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.enemy, hitTest(_root.spaceship)')' {
but i dont know how to put like “move spaceship to start position”. i tried lots of things but i just get errors
i’d be so grateful if anyone could help