Coloring Book - code in button


I’m at a stopping point.


I’m following the instructions step by step, then when it comes to the part about making the “color button” he mentions adding this code to the color button (8 choices in his example). Here is the code he says needs to be inside a movie clip for each color button.

[COLOR=#000000]on[/COLOR] COLOR=#000000[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]{[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]color[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]new[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Color[/COLOR]COLOR=#000000[/COLOR];[COLOR=#000000]color[/COLOR].[COLOR=#000000]setRGB[/COLOR]COLOR=#000000[/COLOR];[COLOR=#000000]delete[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]color[/COLOR];[COLOR=#000000]}
I can not find this code anywhere and when I try to apply this code to the color button my Action Script 3.0 won’t let me do it. It says I can’t apply this to an object. But when I apply it to the action script on the timeline that is not what the instructions say to do.

I’m pretty confused.

I simply can’t add that code to anything. My ASC3.0 only accepts it in a timeline.

Any hope here. I really wanted to use this for a children’s activity.

Thanks for any help. Plus I’m pretty new at all of this so simplification is best. :o)[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]