Hi there. Im new… indeed… anyway, I need help.
as you can see, there is a tutorial there for a Preloader.
My problem is… i already have my project done. and saved in the .fla format. aswell, I have the preloader in .fla format. So… how can I stick the pre loader, in front of my project?
I have tryed a few things. such as attempting to import it. or importing the .swf of it… but nothign i have tryed has worked…
I also tryed simpley copying everthign over… didnt work to well…
And yes, I could simply redo the tutorial again, in a new scene infont of my project, but I also want to know, incase I run into this in the future.
Anway. Thanks for the help in advanced, anyone who can help me. and sorry for being a bother.