Combo Box and Mask Issues

I have searched the forums and the post tell me i shouldn’t have this problem. I have a movie which contains a mask. The layer which containes the combo box is being masked. The combo box apperas, but the labels do not.

the combo box is part of flash UI components, not some custom job on my hand.

Any ideas as to why the labels don’t appear?

You have two options…

  1. If you’re using a mask layer, embed the font outline. Follow these steps:
    [LIST][]Open the Library (F11).
    ]Expand the folder called Flash IU Components.
    []Expand the folder called Component Skins.
    ]Expand the folder called Global Skins.
    []Right click over the symbol called FLabel.
    ]Select the TextField on the stage, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3) and click on the button that says Character….
    [*]Select All characters in the Character Options dialog box and click Done.[/LIST]
  2. Mask the FComboBox by using a MovieClip.
    Where myFComboBox is the instance name of the FComboBox and myMovieClip is the instance name of the MovieClip acting as the mask.

How would you embed fonts in a combo box?

I ended up just createing a new layer outside of the max and putting my combo box there.



Originally posted by Obelisk
How would you embed fonts in a combo box?

Seriously, are you kidding me!?

Originally posted by kax
1) If you’re using a mask layer, embed the font outline. Follow these steps:
[LIST][]Open the Library (F11).
]Expand the folder called Flash IU Components.
[]Expand the folder called Component Skins.
]Expand the folder called Global Skins.
[]Right click over the Symbol called FLabel.
]Select the TextField on the stage, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3) and click on the button that says Character….
[*]Select All characters in the Character Options dialog box and click Done.[/LIST]

Kax ,

Did you edit your post?
'cause when i first read it i saw 1) embed the fonts and 2) do a mask with a movie.

Either that or i am going loco over here.

Thanks for the instructions will let you know how it goes.



Sorry… I did edit my post about two minutes after I replied.
…I knew you’d ask me how to embed the font outline. :wink:

ok so how does this work in flash MX PRO 2004? i dont see any component folder in the library :frowning: