Combo box bully

hi there!
I have a problem with my xml dropdown combo box…
It perfectly loads the content from the xml. But if you try to pick a label from it, it neither does appear in the output window, nor in the textfield. The problems started when I exported the file to a higher flash version than flash 6. I hope someone can help me with this!!
//the name of my combobox is dropDown,
function convertXML () {
mainTag = new XML();
elementTag = new XML();
dataList = new Array();
elementList = new Array();
mainTag = this.firstChild;
if (dataXML.loaded) {
if (mainTag.nodeName == “dataSet”) {
dataList = mainTag.childNodes;
for (i=0; i<=dataList.length; i++) {
if (dataList*.nodeName == “data”) {
elementList = dataList*.childNodes;
for (j=0; j<=elementList.length; j++) {
elementTag = elementList[j];
elementType = elementTag.nodeName;
if (elementType == “name”) {
Name = elementTag.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (elementType == “dataRow”) {
URL = elementTag.firstChild.nodeValue;
// Adds the label and data to the URL.
dropDown.addItem(Name, URL);
//all this works!

dropDown.dropdown.addEventListener (event.change, onComboChange);

function onComboChange (event:Object):Void

var label =;
var data =;

trace ("label : " + label);
trace ("data : " + data);

getURL (data, “_self”);
//this is the second way I tried:

dropDownListener = new Object();
dropDownListener.change = function(eventObj)
var eventSource =;

var theSelectedItem = eventSource.selectedItem;
var theSelectedItemLabel = theSelectedItem.label;
trace ( "You selected "+theSelectedItemLabel+".");

dropDown.addEventListener (“change”, dropDownListener);