okay so i have a combo box which has 4 values and/or selection. The combo box movie works fine, but when the movie is loaded into my main timeline, the first selection (set in AS) shows up, but none of the others.
Can anyone explain. here is the code that sets the combo box and the code that loads the movie
// assigns value
function initCombo(){
drop.addItem("Funky 80'ss Music", 0);
drop.addItem("Your Body is a wonderland", 1);
drop.addItem("FireStarter", 2);
drop.addItem("Stop the Music", "Stop");
trace("stop it stop it");
// loads movie
function getMP3Playa() {
createEmptyMovieClip(“playaContent”, 49);
loadMovie(“smallMC_music.swf”, “playaContent”);
playaContent._x = 98;
playaContent._y = 750;