comboBox and XML problem


My problem looks:

In first scene I create two metods, one [with XML() object] to import and parse data from xml file, second [MovieClipLoader()] to load external .jpg files in my movie.

In next scene, I have one comboBox filled with entries from xml, and clip where I place my photos:

And, the PROBLEM IS:

when I test movie, with bandwith streaming (any speed) all looks good, my comboBox is full, but when I play movie with normal test (ctrl+enter) or in browser, my combo box is empty (just black border)…
But I’m sure that XML is parsed correctly, because there’s an image loaded from array within I store all data from XML.
Ok. here’s my code:

 MyLoader = new MovieClipLoader();

MyLoader.onLoadStart = function(targ){
	_root.holder.trace = "preloading";

 MyLoader.onLoadInit = function(targ)
	_root.holder.trace = "OK";
	targ._alpha = 0;	
	_root.holder.trace = _root.strojeArr[_root.stroje_list.selectedIndex].opis;

_root.strojeArr = new Array();

myXml =  new XML();
myXml.ignoreWhite = true;
myXml.onLoad = function(ok)
		_root.zestaw = this.firstChild;
			_root.strojeArr* = new Object();
			_root.item = _root.zestaw.childNodes*.childNodes;
			// tytul
			_root.strojeArr*.tytul = _root.item[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
			_root.strojeArr*.opis = _root.item[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
			_root.strojeArr*.img = _root.item[2].attributes.src;
			// dodaje tytul