I have a combobox that needs to be populated with friends from an XML file. Once I’ve selected a name from the dropdown list, I need several text fields to be populated with information contained in several nodes of the XML.
I was successful in accomplishing this with a very simple XML, but once my XML became more complex, I could no longer access specific nodes.
Here is my XML:
<friend name = "frank">
<camping> No </camping>
<fishing> Sometimes </fishing>
<hiking> Often </hiking>
<married> Yes </married>
<kids> 3 </kids>
<xbox360> yes </xbox360>
<ps3> no </ps3>
<wii> yes </wii>
<pc> no </pc>
<friend name = "doug">
<camping> yes</camping>
<fishing> no </fishing>
<hiking> yes </hiking>
<married> no </married>
<kids> 1 </kids>
<xbox360> no </xbox360>
<ps3> no </ps3>
<wii> yes </wii>
<pc> yes </pc>
I have text fields labeled : Goes Camping, Likes to Hunt, Hikers, Married, Plays xbox360, etc… When I select “Frank” from the drop down I need all these individual text fields to populate with his info. I can post the code that i found on the web for the simplified XML file that works if necessary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks