Combobox (Dropdown) Help

hey, i wanted music for my site, i thought of using frames so the user can listen to it throughout the browsing exerpience, but then i had no idea how to control frames within frames…so i decided to go with a popunder and a automatic javascript, but then that didn’t hav enough buffer when a song is played, so i’m using flash now in the popunder, the song is pretty big, the flash is about 1.16MB, but it takes mad long to buffer (preload), i still hav 56k, it takes up to 5+ min, but even on cable or dsl, its takin the same amount of time, i don’t want to attach my fla because it’s really big, but can somoene help me?..o yea, the combobox was just an idea that i wanted to know how to create to let the user choose a song from the dropdown list