I’mmmm backkkkkk! LOL! Ok, oh ye mighty Flash Gods, here’s a new one for you: Created an .swf to serve as contact form to be loaded into main .swf; Placed an instance of the combox onto my movieclip which contains my form. Gave it an instance name “myComboBox”. Placed my labels in an array via CB’s (CB = ComboBox) property inspector. Placed this script in my actions layer:
myComboBoxListener = new Object();
myComboBoxListener.change = function(eventObj)
var eventSource = eventObj.target;
var theSelectedItem = eventSource.selectedItem;
var theSelectedItemLabel = theSelectedItem.label;
trace ( "You selected "+theSelectedItemLabel+".");
myComboBox.addEventListener ("change", myComboBoxListener);
When i went to test my movie, no combox appeared.
Then I deleted the combobox and redrug it onto the stage from the instance that was in my library. I then reset all of my parameters and went to test it again…still no CB. Then i tried removing the actionscript; thentesting it agin…still no CB. Could someone explain to me what I might be doing wrong? I really need to fix this A.S.A. P.