This is my first go with a comboBox. Unfortunately the actionscript dictionary and my books are not very explicit with their instrucitons.
I’ve created a changHandler function for my combo box and an array with all my frame labels. This is on frame 1, teh comboBox instance name is “quickLinks”:
quickLinks.setChangeHandler(“quickLinksHandler”, _root);
function quickLinksHandler(){
//get the value of the selected line in the combo box list
var value = quickLinks.getValue();
//use the value as a frame label in a go to and stop action
gotoAndStop(“MainScene”, value);
I’ve also tried
quickLinks.setChangeHandler(“quickLinksHandler”, _root);
function quickLinksHandler(){
//get a number from the combo list
var selIndex = quickLinks.getSelectedIndex();
//use the number “selIndex” to get a string from the “frameLabels” array
//go to and stop at a frame label
gotoAndStop(“MainScene”, frameLabels[selIndex]);
the trace actions work and give me the desired output, but when I make a selection from the combo box, it goes to the end of timeline in that scene rather than the frame label.
If I just use getSelectedIndex() to get a number and then go to that frame number it works, but for a list of 19 options, I want to be using frame labels rather than keep track of frame numbers.
So, the problem is going to a frame label instead of a frame number when making selections from the comboBox.
Thanks for your time.