Combobox within form - woe is me :(

I followed Kirupa’s form tutorial to a tee - or so I thought. Can anyone help me make something other than ‘undefined’ show up when I choose from my comboboxes?


cancel_btn.onRelease = function (){
  gotoAndStop("Scene 1", 1);

myLabels = new Array ("today", "yesterday", "two days ago");
// Populate the listbox
for (i=0;i<myLabels.length;i++) {
    date.addItem (myLabels*) ;

function comboDisplay (component) {
    combodate = component.getSelectedItem().label ;
// assign the function to the combobox
date.setChangeHandler ("comboDisplay") ;

myLabels = new Array ("choose category", "food", "clothes", "entertainment", "self", "gift", "household");
// Populate the listbox
for (i=0;i<myLabels.length;i++) {
    category.addItem (myLabels*) ;

function comboDisplay2 (component) {
    combocat = component.getSelectedItem().label ;
// assign the function to the combobox
category.setChangeHandler ("comboDisplay2") ;

where.text = "";
amount.text = "";

onSubmit = function () {
    loc = where.text;
    amt = amount.text;
    _root.gotoAndStop ("result");

Here’s what I have at ‘result’ - the two textboxes work, but not the two comboboxes:

result.text = loc+"
result.text+= combodate+"
result.text+= combocat+"
result.text+= amt;

Any idea what’s wrong with this picture?