hey all,
I’m trying to have a combobox load a list of businesses defined by an xml file. The idea is that when you select a category in the combobox, an xml file is loaded and its child nodes are displayed in a list. Here is my code:
var thumb_spacing = 10;
listenerObject3 = new Object();
listenerObject3.change = function() {
value1 = categorycb.value;
category_xml = new XML();
category_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
category_xml.onLoad = function() {
var howMany:Array = new Array();
howMany = this.firstChild.childNodes;
if (howMany.length>0) {
for (var i:Number = 0; i<howMany.length; i++) {
currentLink = howMany*;
currentLink_mc = _root.textloader.createEmptyMovieClip(“links”+i, i);
currentLink_mc._y = ithumb_spacing;
currentLink_mc.createTextField(“links_container”, 10);
currentLink_mc.links_container.text = business;
business = category_xml.firstChild.childNodes.attributes.business;
_root.categorycb.addEventListener(“change”, listenerObject3);
as you can see, i’ve tried to make each node its own movie clip. This, however, isn’t working. Anyone have any ideas???