
What kind of comedy do y’all like? Assuming you do like comedy, and you SHOULD if you don’t! :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally have been addicted to stand-up comedy recently. A few of the comedians that i find hilarious are:

Stephen Lynch (guitar and funny songs)
Pablo Francisco (hilarious sound fx)
Dane Cook (funny sh*t)
Lewis Black (unique style)
Carlos Mencia (individual unique perspective on everything)


Just wondering. :slight_smile:


I hate Dane Cook with every fiber of my being

I like Eddie Izzard. Best comedian ever IMO.

Why hate Dane Cook? JW

Never heard of Eddie Izzard, I’ll go download him now. :slight_smile:

I recommend Stephen Lynch, you (and everyone else) should download some stand-up from him. He sings hilarious songs!


*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I hate Dane Cook with every fiber of my being

I like Eddie Izzard. Best comedian ever IMO. **

cake or death?

Geogre Carlin is always good. I like Bill Maher’s show on HBO and the old politically incorrect, I think his stand up is just okay.

Death… no CAKE!

Ahaaaaaahaaaa- you said death first, death first…

Well, I meant cake!

Oh, all right… you’re lucky I’m Church of England…

I wish I had my tapes of him now. My friend has had them for almost a year… I’m gonna have to get those back soon…

oh, and I just don’t find Dane Cook funny. I’ve seen him on Comedy Central a couple times and I just didn’t laugh at all when I watched him…

Some of my favorite comedians are…

Chris Rock
Dave Chapelle
Martin Lawrence
Jerry Seinfield
David Cross
Dennis Miller
John Stewart

Those are the ones that come off the top of my head…

*Originally posted by Whippersnapper *
Geogre Carlin is always good.

Hell yeah he is, I love his stuff, esp the older ones. I almost got to see him in Vegas, but he came the weekend after I was there - DRAT! :stuck_out_tongue:


Eddie Izzard, without question. :slight_smile:

“Cake or death?”

“Cake please.”

“Well… We don’t have any more cake.”

“So my choices are ‘or death’?!”