Coming up with ideas is tough

Hello all, im having a hard time trying to come up with a good flash design for my website… its diffcult! anyone else having this problem right now?! lol

Think of an emotion… imagine what that emotion would look like… Go create! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Just wait for the new site of 2a and then …
Aeh, no bad idea.
I guess sketching ideas and actions is really helpful, so just start and you’ll see whether you will find it good…

ya i know wut u mean ray it can be frustrating, go to a book store and browse through the magazine section and get some kewl ideas magazines and books are great inspiration for layouts IMHO

Great idea Grim:skull: !!

i have me an idea, but i cant make it work! lol. i just cant think of how to get it to work. i am going to take the idea, put the header and footer in flash and then in the middle have it be HTML until i get a full flash going :stuck_out_tongue:

most times i had an idea in my head but i cant get it out, i cant design it, its impossible for me to replicate… its pretty weird lol =)

Coming up with ideas is easy, coming up with good ideas is hard. When in doubt, bust out your pencil and start doodling away. :stuck_out_tongue: