Comment/Critique: Abstract Signature

Okay, so I came up with this background from a series of 3d renders I did: low quality background. Anyway, from that I came up with two sigs, and was wondering which one looks better.

Sig 1 (no grunge/brushes in the background):

Sig 2:

Please be honest. :}


I like the first one. It has more of a clean look. The second one seems to be trying to mix two different styles, and just doesn’t work.

yeah the second kinda look like you sneezed all over it… :stuck_out_tongue:

i love the first one, it looks all hi-tech and stuff :thumb:


Heh, well, yeah, I guess it does look like snot. Of course, that’s probably because the quality of the picture is so low. Here’s a higher quality picture: high-quality sig 2. Yeah, that’s what I get for trying to conserve bandwidth… :nose:

red: Yeah, I didn’t think about it when I was doing it, but you’re right. Those two things shouldn’t be mixed, or at least I shouldn’t be the one mixing them. :pleased:

Heck, while I’m at it, here’s a second version of the second sig: sig 2, ver. 2. Same grunge stuff, different background (well, sort of; it’s the same background, but I’ve got various coloring layers over the background in this one).


I think the first one is definatly a lot better…:thumb:

sig 2 version 2 is pretty good. I like that one. The background has a lot more depth.

wow nice sigs… I like the sig2ver2

[size=1]note: too big to use in this forum[/size]

yeah make it smaller but i say numbah 1 because the “so-called grunge” you have in sig 2 does not really look like grunge to me…work on it:)

Well, this is what the layer set of what I’m calling “grunge” looks like alone:

Does it look a little more akin to the term “grunge” like that? All that stuff is blended together, though, at a low opacity in the sigs.

syko: I didn’t have any intention of using it as a sig for this forum, but, now that you mention it, I may have to work on a kirupa-sized version. :smiley:
