If I use a closure inside an IIFE like this:
var outerFunction = (function() { // this is an IIFE
const outer = `I'm the outer function!`;
var innerFunction = function() {
const inner = `I'm the inner function!`;
console.log(outer); // I'm a variable from the outer function!
return {
It seems to me that the IIFE returns an object called outerFunction and add the method kir to it.
So that now, I can access the kir method of the object outerFunction with the following code:
But if I don’t use an IIFE for the same example:
function outerFunction () {
const outer = `I'm the outer function!`;
var innerFunction = function() {
const inner = `I'm the inner function!`;
console.log(outer); // I'm the variable from the outer function!
return {
I can access the method kir only if I run this:
Why it doesn’t work if I run this?:
It seems to me that in the first example, when the IIFE runs automatically, it returns the object outerFunction and add the method kir to it.
But when I run outerFunction manually, it’s different and I can’t access the method kir.
I’m a bit confused!
Can some one please explain to me why I can’t access kir method in the second example by running this?:
I guess this is more a question about understanding IIFE rather than the closure.