Hi everbody, i am just new in this forum, but not so new in Flash, and i want to share a component i have done for me, it´s very usefull for me and i hope for most users here.
What it does?
When you click “+” (add button) in the component, you can choose a document .as class document, them the component will create the custom class hint code for flash CS4, it is the autocomplete code.
See the example for the codehint i´ve created for TweenLite class:
The component will search for all public methods and properties inside the class, get their arguments, package, and the ancestors classes (if the ancestor is a native, like Sprite or MovieClip) and will show the extended public functions and mathods as well
And the component link:
How to install:
If the operating system language is different of Flash CS4 language, open flash, go to menu help and click “manage extension” and install from there. This is because of a known bug in extension manager CS4 that try to put the component files in operating system language config folder instead of putting in Flash CS4 default language config folder, it will happen with any component you try to install.
If the operating system language is the same of Flash CS4, just double click .mxp file, and install it.
How to use:
The panel will be accessible from menu “window > other panels > custom actions”
It will open a new panel named “Custom Actions”, click button “+” and select a .as file, a third party class or some class you have made, and click open. Ok the custom actions for that class is installed, you can add many custom actions you want.
To delete a custom action, just select the action xml in the list, and click “-” button. it will be removed…
After you add or remove all the classes to custom actions restart flash to take effect, and now when you type the class, even when you are typying the custom package, you will note that the flash cs4 will give the options for that package or class you are typing.