
I’m writing a TextComponent. it has 2 things:

  1. a TextArea component, for editing text.
  2. A MovieClip, which is outside the TextArea and appears on focus. used for dragging the component and placing it anywhere.

When i design the component, should i place the TextArea inside the dragger movieclip and say “Convert to Symbol”, or some other way???
can someone help me.
The MovieClip should be able to move (dragging support) n the TextArea shud be editable. the handlers should be in the class file, not fla.

Please help me. i have tried a lot of different things.

well make sure that ur txt box is input so people can type into it thats pretty obvious so im sure uve done it then u need to convert it to a movie clip then add the dragging effect to that movieclip it should still be able to type into. im not particularly good with handlers but i would put them in flash not a class file works easier if its all in flash but every1 to there own so i dont know bout that 1 sorry
