Two pieces of Art homework for my GCSEs, comments please.
Both done in Photoshop 5.5
I wanna see others’ work too!!!111
Two pieces of Art homework for my GCSEs, comments please.
Both done in Photoshop 5.5
I wanna see others’ work too!!!111
Kinda pixeled…
huh? I dont get it. What are we commenting on. It is a nice start but it needs mre detail and more fruitlike qualities.
More fruit like qualities, like?
nice job, think you should work on the banana stem though.
nice start man… keep at it never know …a tweak here and there could bring it all tegether or take you off in a totally new direction…
Try some highlights or something… tomatos usually have a shinny skin…
do you have illustrator by chance? it would make it much easier
No I don’t.
I have:
[]Photoshop 5.5
[]Studio MX 2004 Educational
[]Flash MX 2004
[]Dreamweaver MX 2004
[]Fireworks MX 2004
[]Freehand MXa
[/list] Freehand looks the best contender, but im MUCH better with Photoshop.
my bannanas dont have little squares on em o_0
why done u get a pic and use the colours from the pic as a refrence for colouring yours then add a bit of texture here and there
keep at it!!
my humble rendition of a banana…less than 10 minutes
and a pretty mouldy looking tomato!!
The banana wasn’t going for realism, the tomato was. the banana was a cel shaded step into CGing fruit. which i do think came out better than the tomato.
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