**** Computer Problems

Man I love computers but I can hate them so much sometimes.

Alright Im gonna get to the point I think I have a virus because I cannot acess MSN messenger or www.hotmail.com also My compuer slows down alot sometimes but its very fast at some points faster than usual its very strange.

Ussualy I cannot use my Windows XP Normal Skin but now I can it goes so fast.

Anyways I realy need soemone to help me out with my MSN messenger problem and my www.hotmail.com

I think I have a virus because just the other day i oculd acces both of them all nice and dandy.

I really really Need this help. I LOVE MY COMPUTER and do not want to get a new one or completly Wipe out Windows.

And an other problem is whenever I restart my comp the Found New hardware Wizard comesu and I havent installed anything recently and it never came up before.