Computer Stats

If this seems to spammy or it’s a repeat thread let me know and i’ll delete it asap.

What are everyones comp stats?

Mines a
80 gig
512 megs of 333 ddr ram
17 inch flat screen

I love my computer.

:love: ~ Seretha

as Jubba says:

did you try to search the random forum for a thread like this?


search…bah…who searches…lol
(should i delete then…)

so its an uber-repeated thread… big deal… its late

seretha… i want your computer… thats sweet

it’s only late in some parts of the world. The bands haven’t even started playing in the Pubs around here yet…


P4 2.0 ghz
512 RAM
Mobility Radeon 7500C
and blah blah blah

ohhh yeah… they made more than one time zone… lol im dumb

my comp is like a p4 1.6 and idk the rest of the stuff… its alright tho

pIII 1 ghz
768 sd-ram
32mb ATI graphics
17" not-so-great monitor
DVD/CDRW that i never use
and… 40 gigs of storage :slight_smile:

running win2k adv server

486 dx 4 100 mhz
14’ screen