Concept Check

Ok, I’ve been looking for a new idea for my site for some time now. I have been getting into some actionScript, and I want to incorporate that into my site. I also want my site to be original. My current site I feel is very original, but it is incredibly hard to update it because I made it static. Oh what a nieve child I was. Also, I have recently found out that my site does not work with Mozilla Firebird. I was at a lack of inspiration until tonight.

I started doodling in Flash, which I haven’t done for quite a while, and I came up with a sort of weird pattern of lines. Then it hit me. A maze. I am thinking that this should be the next version of my site. A user will be able to control a little character, for example a mouse, and will be able to make him walk (with the arrow keys) through the maze. Scattered throughout the maze will be little items, and when they are touched by the character, they will pop up the page that they corrospond with. There will be a key that will be accessible at all times to allow the user to know which emblem goes with which section. There will be a “secret” section in the middle. All of the other sections will be linked to from the key as a sort of cheat sheet, but to get to the file in the middle, which will have something special, the user will have to wander through the maze to get to that item which is at the end (in the center maybe) of the maze.

Here is a very quick prototype that I whipped up in about 5 minutes. The final version would be a tile based world with pixel graphics and all. What I need to know is: a) Has this been done before- is it an original idea? b) Do you think that it will create a good final product? c) Will it improve upon my current site? (linked to in my footer) and d) What do you think would make this site better, opinions and criticism on the idea welcome.


Please do not be very harsh on the prototype. I whipped it up really quickly in Flash, and it is not even fully functional. For example, you can go through the walls. It is just to give a rough visual of the concept.

Thanks. :slight_smile: