Conditional colour

Hi I am only just getting into Flash actionscript and need a little help.

I have a movie clip on my stage that I need to change color dependant on an external txt flie.
The file has a variable &status which will equal “red”, “green” or “amber” and I want the mc to change accordingly.
I have read lots of articles about loadVars, conditionals and the color object but just cant get them to work together.


myColour = new LoadVars();
myColour.onLoad = function(success) {
trace(“data has loaded successfully”);
var changeStatus = myColor.status;
trace(“error: the data did not load”);

if (changeStatus == “red”){

}else if(changeStatus == “green”){

}else {


I know about,

myColor=new Color();

But even just putting trace into the code only returns the initial “data has loaded successfully” and the final trace “test”.

I have searched and searched and played with this code but I cannot get it to work.

I would appreciate any help yo can give