Hey guys, I have 2 style sheets. Main one, and one for IE. I put in this conditional comment in the head section It is not working. Any suggestions? you can view the site at www.wallstclothing.com Thanks
Are you sure the file is there? (css/wallstIE.css)
yes its there!!
Try replacing your code with this to test. It’s probably that your CSS is malformed for IE:
<!--[if IE]>
<script type="text/javascript">alert("This IE MoFo");</script>
Thanks AA. That code worked. The alert came up in IE. Now what? do I put the link to css in place of the alert?
No problem, that just means that your conditional tags are working, and your css is not. I would suggest you hard embed both stylesheets and try and troubleshoot your problems like that.
Thanks, I will try this.
Ok so I got the comments to work. By putting in the individual fixes rather than linking to a new css, works. It was working great until now. It is not reading one fix, and I can not figure out why. I have looked at everything, and can’t see what is stopping it.
The div won’t move in IE. You will see what I mean.