I just need a condition for paging in an XML gallery where i get a server response.
Whenever there is a new records to load, server gives me the xml tag np (stands for next page) and then a next arrow appears on stage to load the new records when clicked.
The thing is I need a condition that will secure my paging when the records are over and there will be only pp in my XML file - where pp stands for previous page. I mean I don’t want when the user goes to last page the next arrow to be active or present on stage…
So far my code
if ("np" in myXML)
_Rarrow.buttonMode = true;
_Rarrow.x = gal_back.width + 40;
_Rarrow.y = gal_back.height / 2;
_Rarrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateToRight);
if ("pp" in myXML)
_Larrow.buttonMode = true;
_Larrow.rotation = 180;
_Larrow.x = thumbsHolder.x - 30;
_Larrow.y = gal_back.height / 2;
_Larrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateToLeft);
– Actually i need sthg like
If ("pp" doesn't exist in my XML)
remove right arrow from stage