Conflicting hit areas

I am trying to make a menu something like but my problem is this: the hit area for my button within a movieclip is interfering with my hitarea for the sliding bars. maybe this is the wrong way to approach this. can anyone help me? below is AS i have so far…

var bar1x = -162;
var bar2x = -228;
var speed1 = 30; // speed of box 1
var speed2 = 60; // speed of box 2
var speed3 = 10; // speed of text coming in / out
var textAlpha = 0;
text._alpha = 0;

var motionInterval = setInterval(checkBars,10);

theHitArea.onRollOver = function() {
//text._x = 3;
//text._y = 15;
bar1x = -2;
bar2x = -2;
textAlpha = 100;

theHitArea.onRollOut = function() {
bar1x = -162;
bar2x = -228;
textAlpha = 0;

function checkBars() {
bar1._x += (bar1x-bar1._x)/speed1;
bar2._x += (bar2x-bar2._x)/speed2;
text._alpha += (textAlpha-text._alpha)/speed3;
