so, I was in my English class today and we had a sub. She went along and handed out our work for the day. We were given a sheet with a editorial about U.S. immigration then a paper with information on seven different people that we were supposed to rate on letting into the country. I answered the questions for the editorial and turned it in within the first 7 minuets of the bell. The sub then asks me how I could be done and says that the only way to finish that fast was to turn in an incomplete response. She then reads through the response and says.
“sir, you did not answer the question, you were supposed to say which 4 people you would let in”
I responded by saying that “I refuse to chose as I believe that there should be no restrictions”
“sir, you will not receive all of your points for this assignment”
“so, give me an F”
“sir, this is an honers level class and you should answer the question”
“I refuse to answer the question that makes me respond in a way that goes against what I believe, I think my response was fine and Mrs. Roy will give me my points”
“you need to answer the question, chose four”
“I am not going to conform just because you are in authority.”
“your a failure”:huh:
“excuse me, the only failures in here are the one’s who do as their told just because those in authority tell them to”
By this time the rest of the class is saying things like “Represent!” and “tell it to her straight Francis” The sub then yells
I then opened up my mouth and said
“hell no, I am not going to do this crap, give me an F but you are not going to make me go against what I believe”
“sir, I will not discuss this any longer, do your work”
of course I turned in the same un-edited sheet at the end of the bell. This stuff just pisses me off, why the hell would someone make me “succeed” without my consent?:huh: