Confused by kirupa's amendment to the xml photogal tutorial

there’s an earlier thread that relates to the missing info on how to link from the gallery to a new window / url.

theres a helpful response which shows the actionscript changes necessary to make it work - then a subsequent response which asks what the changes to the xml doc should be…

to which kirupa replies that the following file contains the answers: Notice where I have ‘link’ specified.”

is it me - or the the file at this url not an xml file?

please help - i’ve got things set up, but am still getting an “undefined” url message…


this is the previous thread i mentioned.

still haven’t figured this out.

please help.


the file at that url is an xml file.

ok - thanks for clearing that up. but it’s completely different than the xml file that i’ve been working with - i don’t recognize nodes…

in short - is this a second xml file that i have to refer to somehow, that has all the links in it, one by one, with nothing other than a space inbetween?
or is this the way i have to format the links within my original xml?

still confused…


What’s happening is you’re using a browser that doesn’t support xml formats… safari is one of them. But if you view it in Firefox or IE it should be fine.