Hey all,
I am creating a game and I’ve come across a weird error- I’m fairly new to ActionScript and started out with AS3 so I might be missing some of the easy-ways to do things but this is what I have
I am using the Box2D library with my game and I have it set up so when the player moves to the edge of the screen the screen they moved towards gets covered by a screen that tweens in from either the left right above or below (think of Zelda: A link to the past when moving screens)
I have this set up via 5 blank movie clips (current, left, right, above, below) and when I start on the current movie clip I create the walls, etc. and then when I move down I destroy all the walls and move the screen below up and reorganize all the objects.
My main issue is that I have the collision of the walls I created on the separate screens on my current screen when I start the game. The art is appearing in the right area and tweening properly but the collision is not. I am adding them to the appropriate parent as well.
Any help would be appreciated