Confused with XML, databinding components

I’ve looked at the tutorials that came with MX 2004 and, as I might have expected, they were absolutely useless. I followed an online tutorial provided by Macromedia that stepped through the process of integrating XML data into a Flash movie - and it worked! - but their methods seem so odd and unconventional that it’s starting to become rather frustrating to really absorb what is really going on underneath the complicated web of components.

What I want to do is dead simple: have my movie send arguments to a PHP file that would grope a database and return results in XML format, which the movie would then parse and display for the user. I have the entire process mapped out but now all I need to do is figure out how these darn components work. In the tutorial I read the XML data seemed totally out of this world. The code they provided looked something like this:

  <row name="name" age="10".../>

Now I don’t know about you but in my experience with XML I’ve always tried to limit my use of attributes and stick with leaf nodes instead. It just makes for much more readable and, frankly, sensible code. Just imagine what a single element with 20 attributes might look like - scary! :open_mouth:

The problem here is that I can’t seem to modify their example to parse a file that might look something like this:

  <person id="pers.00001">
    <name>John Doe</name>

I’m starting to get the impression that this new data component feature of MX 2004 isn’t all that I had anticipated it to be. Then again, I await a response that will hopefully clear things up and get me going once again :wink:

  • ptolemy