Confusion about accessing levels


I’m trying to put an onEnterFrame on a movie clip (B) within a movie clip (A) from B’s onRelease handler. Here’s the code within the onRelease handler:

// inside B’s onRelease handler

this._parent.onEnterFrame = function(){
if (_root.uploadJPG != “” && _root.uploadJPG != undefined){
if (_root.uploadTarget != “” && _root.uploadTarget != undefined){
_root.uploadJPG = “”;
_root.uploadTarget = “”;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

My question is about the “this” used in the line “this.loadJPG(this.uploadJPG)”

Does it refer to the parent (A) which has the onEnterFrame handler or the clip (B) that is assigning the handler to A?

I hope you can understand this… I know I don’t :frowning: Regardless, this code isn’t working… so I’d appreciate some feedback from someone who’s solid on this kind of reference handling.

